How I Learned Programming and Why You Should Too

2 min readJul 26, 2022
Photo by Fotis Fotopoulos on Unsplash

Introduction: What is Programming?

Programming is the process of designing, writing, testing, debugging and maintaining the source code of computer programs.

Programming is a very old profession that has been around since the early days of computers. The first programming languages were developed in the 1950s with assembly and machine language being two popular examples.

In modern times, there are many programming languages to choose from such as Java and Python. These languages are used to make software for PCs, smartphones, video games etc.

What are the Benefits of Learning to Code?

Learning to code is a great way to learn how to think creatively and strategically. It also helps you get a better understanding of the world around us.

The coding language is universal, so it can be applied in any industry. The skills learned from coding can be transferred to other fields such as design, marketing and entrepreneurship. Coding also helps you build strong problem-solving skills that are useful in all aspects of life.

Learning to code is an investment that will pay off in the long term and help you become more employable in today’s competitive job market.

Conclusion: Why You Should Learn To Code

Learning to code is the best way to be more creative and entrepreneurial. It will also make you a better writer, which is important in today’s digital world.

Coding teaches you how to think creatively and solve problems in new ways. It will also help you evaluate your work critically, which is a skill that all writers should have.

There are many benefits for learning to code, like being able to build your own website or app. If you’re looking for a career change, coding might be the answer for you!

