Skull and Bones: Charting a Course Through Pirate Adventure

2 min readFeb 11, 2024


Photo by Rowan Heuvel on Unsplash

Ubisoft Singapore’s latest offering, Skull and Bones, sets sail in a sea of pirate-themed games, aiming to offer a deep and immersive open-world experience. Released on February 6th, 2024, it invites players to carve their own legend as a fearsome pirate captain, navigating trade, plunder, and intense naval combat. But does it successfully capture the spirit of a swashbuckling adventure?

From Humble Beginnings to Pirate Legend: The journey starts with a modest ship and a thirst for fortune. Players progress by completing contracts, engaging in trade, and participating in thrilling naval battles. This allows for customization of not only your ship but also your playstyle, whether it be focusing on raw firepower, cunning trade negotiations, or tactical maneuvering.

Embracing the Open Seas: The Indian Ocean serves as your sprawling playground, encompassing diverse environments from treacherous African coasts to sun-drenched Southeast Asian islands. Exploration allows for uncovering hidden treasures, encountering unique factions, and engaging in various activities. However, some may find the visuals lacking in polish compared to other open-world titles.

The Thrill of the Battle: Naval combat is where Skull and Bones truly shines. Maneuvering your ship effectively while unleashing devastating broadsides and utilizing special abilities creates tense and rewarding encounters. Mastering various ship types and understanding their strengths and weaknesses becomes crucial for success. However, some reports suggest potential issues with balance and repetitive enemy encounters.

Beyond the Plunder: The game delves deeper than just mindless pillaging. Players can develop relationships with other pirates, form alliances, and even embark on cooperative ventures. This adds a layer of social interaction and strategic decision-making, though aspects like trust and betrayal could be more fleshed out.

Still Untamed Waters: As a newly launched title, Skull and Bones is yet to reach its full potential. Upcoming content updates and potential expansions promise to expand the experience, address existing issues, and refine the overall gameplay.

Verdict: If you crave a deep and strategic pirate adventure with engaging ship customization and intense naval combat, Skull and Bones offers a promising foundation. However, be prepared for potential technical shortcomings and a world that could benefit from further polish. For those seeking a more casual or story-driven pirate experience, other titles might be a better fit. Ultimately, whether to raise the Jolly Roger and set sail in Skull and Bones depends on your individual preferences and tolerance for a game still navigating its early course.

Remember: This review reflects the current state of the game at the time of writing. Future updates and expansions may address some of the mentioned shortcomings and enhance the overall experience.

